Quality Assurance
Quality assurance is something Prairie Rivet has been committed to since day one. We took the extra step to formalize our existing process through ISO – International Organization for Standardization a network of national standards bodies. The ISO 9001 family is the manufacturing industry-trusted standard for quality.
From the time the raw materials are received at Prairie Rivet to the moment the products are shipped out of our facility, we are implementing our quality assurance program to ensure our customers receive only the highest-quality parts.

Prairie Rivet’s 6-Step Quality Assurance Process:
1. As we receive all our raw materials, our experienced operators conduct a visual inspection.
2. As the raw materials are pulled for order processing, they receive an additional visual and measurement inspection.
3. Once an order is ready to process, each machine required to produce that order is calibrated precisely for that order’s specifications prior to starting production.
4. Throughout production/order processing, our team of machine operators meticulously measure and visually inspect small batches, up to five times an hour, to maintain a consistent quality product during production.
5. If an issue is identified, the team quickly assesses, rates, documents and then addresses the issue to eliminate errors or omissions in the order and minimize downline time.
6. Once the order is complete, it is prepared for shipping by hand. It receives a final visual inspection by the shipping and receiving team before the final boxing and shipping of the order.
We know our rivets are incorporated into hundreds of thousands of products. That’s why our goal is to make the best American-made rivets possible. Contact us today to learn more or start a quote.